Mai, 06, 2014
Alina Bilan vorbeste despre achizitiile publice si cele mai importante chestiuni legislative ce trebuie urmarite in fiecare etapa a procedurilor specifice. Seminarul contine si exemple practice, din studii de caz pe teme de interes general, ce vor fi analizate impreuna cu colegii din Camera de Comert Romano – Americana.
May, 06, 2014
Alina Bilan offers detailed explanations of the Romanian legislation during a workshop organized by The American – Romanian Chamber of Commerce. The theoretical aspects are easier to understand with examples, so our colleague decided to discuss on particular case studies, using information that is already available to the public and analyzing all facts together with members of AmCham.
The seminar address topics that relate to:
- the participants to tenders, focusing on subcontracting;
- participation to public procurement procedures in association and/or relying on the capacities of other entities;
- conflicts of interests;
- types of procedures and their applicability;
- drafting up the award documentation;
- clarification requests and responses;
- preparation and submission of tenders;
- the way in which the tenders are assessed;
- the determination of the procedure’s result and the annulment cases;
- the thorny and controversial legal issues regarding the challenging procedure of the contracting authority’s acts issued during the public procurement procedure, including the award documentation;
- the public procurement contract, namely its execution, termination, cancellation, contractual liability.