At ONV LAW, we deploy client-focused teams to serve both private clients and public authorities across diverse industries.
Our distinguished client portfolio includes leading international companies, prominent local champions, and public authorities.
We support the public and private sectors with any issues arising from procurement rules, handling everything from high-value, complex matters to routine, day-to-day advice. Leveraging our extensive experience, we assist commercial bidders throughout the process and in bringing or defending challenges. When a tender process is contested, we have the expertise to help our clients successfully challenge award decisions or defend the procuring authority.
- Advise clients on compliance with all relevant public procurement laws, regulations, and guidelines—both national and international.
- Assist clients in preparing tender documents that are legally compliant and competitive.
- Review bid submissions for regulatory compliance and optimize content for higher evaluation scores.
- Represent clients in responding to clarifications and inquiries from contracting authorities.
- Represent clients in appeals before the CNSC (National Council for the Settlement of Disputes in Public Procurement) and in court proceedings.
- Manage legal disputes arising during the performance of public contracts, including breach of contract claims.
We advise public and private companies, management, boards of directors, and committees on all aspects of corporate governance. Our services include executive compensation planning, disclosure, and shareholder proposals.
Our team counsels clients on directors’ duties in transactions, executive succession, financial reporting irregularities, and internal investigations—including those by special board committees. We evaluate compensation plans and advise on regulatory matters related to mergers and acquisitions.
ONV LAW represents major industry players and smaller entities not regularly engaged in M&A.
- Corporate establishment or restructuring (e.g., mergers, reorganizations, spin-offs, shareholder arrangements, joint ventures).
- Public and private acquisitions and disposals (share deals and asset deals).
- Negotiations and preparation of preliminary and final offers and related documentation; full legal and tax due diligence on the target.
- Privatizations.
- IPOs and SPOs.
- Corporate governance matters (including directors’ and managers’ duties and liabilities, and management of publicly listed companies).
- Disputes arising in every industry and from every type of commercial agreement.
With the growing emphasis on employment law due to new legislation, evolving government policies, and increased employee awareness of their rights, our team excel in handling discrimination complaints, staff restructurings, and whistleblowing issues.
Additionally, we have pioneered an integrated HR and legal service on the Romanian market, in collaboration with Arthur Hunt, to support successful M&As, restructurings, and transformation processes.
- Manage employment issues, advise HR departments on compliance, handle HR relationships at both individual and collective levels and also employment-related litigation.
- Advise top managers on contract negotiations and exit agreements, particularly in restructuring procedures.
- Draft and negotiate employment agreements such as executive contracts, structure, and draft retention, incentive & bonus plans.
- Prepare employment policies, including handbooks, codes of conduct, and communication policies.
- Conduct and advise on sexual harassment and internal investigations, including white-collar matters.
- Provide legal counsel and assistance on collective layoffs.
Our clients value our ability to navigate and resolve complex technical and economic challenges in construction and engineering law, and our skill in presenting cases clearly and effectively before courts.
Companies benefit from our expertise in selecting experts and our structured approach to reviewing project documentation and preparing evidence.
- Legal advice and assistance in the conclusion and performance of contractor agreements (including FIDIC).
- Advocacy related to land planning, construction, and the rehabilitation of public utility infrastructure systems.
- Representation in litigation matters related to the implementation and performance of contractor agreements and FIDIC.
- Representation before arbitration courts concerning the implementation and performance of contractor agreements and FIDIC.
- Risk assessment, drafting, and reviewing of contracts (based on national and international standard forms of contracts).
We craft creative and innovative solutions for our clients when disputes arise, backed by sustainable strategies to mitigate future risks.
We prioritize advising our clients on the most effective and advantageous methods for resolving disputes, whether through litigation, arbitration, or alternative dispute resolution methods like negotiation and mediation.
- Pre-trial risk assessment and preventive conflict management to identify the most suitable approach for achieving the client’s desired outcome.
- Legal advice and assistance related to mandatory pre-trial proceedings.
- Legal representation in domestic and international litigation before any court or arbitration tribunal, covering a broad range of practice areas, including commercial, fiscal, civil, and criminal litigation, as well as specialized areas such as aviation law, public procurement, and environmental law.
- Supervision of highly technical evidence-related matters through the coordination of multidisciplinary teams of litigators, technical experts, and consultants.
- Strategic management of interconnected litigation clusters to ensure the best practical outcome for the client’s interests.
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues have become a critical focus for management and boards across industries. Companies face increasing demands and regulatory expectations from stakeholders—including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and the broader community.
ONV LAW’s attorneys guide clients through the complexities of sustainability and ESG regulations, identifying opportunities and addressing challenges.
- Advise boards and management on ESG risks and opportunities, tailored to the company’s needs.
- Ensure proper due diligence of ESG issues in transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, major projects, real estate deals, and third-party contracts.
- Assist companies, organizations, and investors in legally assessing their environmental, social, and governance impact.
- Provide legal reports on draft strategies, regulations, and new legislative changes in national and European ESG legislation to help eliminate or avoid future costs and risks related to internal and external policies.
- Offer legal support in drafting sustainability reports, ensuring they accurately reflect the organization’s ESG performance and comply with relevant legal requirements and industry standards.
Our real estate team provides expert advice on a full spectrum of complex industry issues. ONV LAW represents a diverse range of clients, adept at navigating the intricacies of real estate transactions, new construction and development projects, and regulatory compliance within the real estate legal framework.
- Due diligence analysis of the target property or company.
- Drafting transaction documents, including joint ventures and shareholder agreements, sale and purchase agreements, sale contracts, lease agreements, construction contracts, and FIDIC agreements.
- Project finance and related financing documentation.
- representing clients in all disputes arising from real estate transactions.
Our team’s multidisciplinary expertise in corporate and commercial law, employment, and litigation allows us to fully understand and address our clients’ needs.
ONV LAW advises national and international companies across key sectors, representing both creditors and debtors to protect interests and overcome economic difficulties.
- Advice and representation in insolvency proceedings are provided to creditors to maximize debt recovery, and to debtors through the development and implementation of successful reorganization strategies, as well as to investors interested in purchasing assets from companies undergoing insolvency.
- Legal counsel on judicial proceedings throughout the entire insolvency process.
- Comprehensive reports on insolvency situations and the development of debt refinancing processes.
- Structuring and negotiating insolvency strategies, reorganization plans, and restructuring agreements.
We represent private companies, individuals, and public entities in all tax matters, including corporate restructurings, tax planning, and navigating legislative changes.
Our team offers expert representation at every stage, from administrative processes to judicial levels, and coordinates closely with other legal disciplines to deliver a cohesive, one-team approach to each case.
- Advice and representation for national and international clients on tax management, covering day-to-day activities, and the development of new projects or business areas.
- Assist our clients in fiscal-administrative disputes and tax litigation related to tax inspections, in areas such as VAT, income tax, international taxation, and double taxation avoidance.
- Provide legal advice and opinions on VAT matters, issues about joint venture framework, merger fiscal implications, and the possibility of tax authorities reconsidering civil agreements as individual labor contracts.
Amid rapid industry changes, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of energy lawyers to anticipate and address emerging challenges. We advise commercial entities and organizations on a wide range of legal issues in both the renewables sector and conventional power projects. Our expertise includes corporate matters, financing, wind and solar projects, regulatory compliance, commercial contracts—including EPCs and PPAs—and dispute resolution.
Our clients are companies that develop or invest in projects and technological solutions within this industry.
- Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
- Engineering, Procuring and Construction Agreements (EPCs).
- Integration of storage with renewable technologies.
- Regulatory advice and strategies, as well as obtaining production and trading licenses & permits from ANRE.
- Technology development agreements.
- Financing and guarantee agreements.
Our Business Continuity team ensures your organization is prepared to navigate and recover from disruptions – whether natural disasters, cyberattacks, or other unforeseen events. Our lawyers provide comprehensive legal support to develop, implement, and maintain business continuity plans, safeguarding your operations and reputation.
- Assist companies in identifying potential risks that could disrupt business operations, and provide legal strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.
- Ensure that business continuity plans comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance and penalties.
- Provide legal guidance on crisis management protocols, helping businesses respond swiftly during emergencies to minimize downtime and financial losses.
- Draft and review contracts to include provisions that protect businesses in the event of disruptions.
Businesses increasingly rely on information, making personal data processing fundamental when handling customer, employee, or partner data. As technologies and services become more data-centered, in-depth knowledge of data processing regulations is essential to ensure compliance, protect user privacy, and achieve business goals. Cloud computing, social networking, and cross-border sales introduce new data processing challenges. Our experienced team is ready to guide you through this complex legal landscape.
We advise local and international companies on all aspects of data protection and privacy matters. Our expertise spans all sectors, including telecoms, online and retail industries, and finance.
- GDPR application.
- General right to privacy and relevant data protection laws, including data processing agreements, privacy policies, and consent forms.
- Internal procedures and policies relating to data processing, including sensitive data processing rules.
- Implementation of complex cross-border data transfers, including personal data in the context of M&A transactions and secure transfers.
- Registration of data processing with national authorities and conducting data protection compliance audits.
- Resolution of disputes with data privacy subjects and authorities.
- Drafting and implementing online privacy policies, terms, and conditions.
Protecting intellectual property rights is crucial for any business in today’s global economy. Our IP team meets clients’ needs by obtaining, protecting, and enforcing intellectual property rights locally and internationally. Our practice covers all aspects of patents, copyrights, and trademarks, as well as related litigation.
We also advise on transactional IP matters, such as drafting and negotiating licensing agreements, joint ventures, and technology transfer agreements.
- Patent preparation and prosecution.
- Patent and technology negotiations.
- IP Litigation.
- Managing trademark portfolios, including registration and renewal of trademarks and design rights.
- IP counseling, opinions, licensing, and other agreements.
- IP due diligence, evaluation, and audit in transactions.
- Securing IP protection and transfer during business transactions.
- Worldwide registration and enforcement of IP rights through our network.
Our white-collar crime defense and investigation attorneys are experts in handling all types of regulatory, criminal, and investigative matters, often addressing our clients’ most critical challenges. We rapidly mobilize teams, leveraging our global network of lawyers to provide the essential legal support needed to manage sensitive, high-profile investigations and litigation.
- Anti-corruption investigations and compliance.
- Anti-money laundering and economic sanctions.
- Consumer protection investigation and compliance.
- Corporate Compliance.
- Criminal defense and trials.
- Cybersecurity incident response and investigation.
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ONV Law advised on Aveuro International’s acquisition of Bluehouse Investitii
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