Alina Bilan, partner, talked about practical measures to unlock infrastructure projects in Romania, at the launching of CCIFER’s White Book of Constructions


Alina Bilan, partner, talked about practical measures to unlock infrastructure projects in Romania, at the launching of CCIFER’s White Book of Constructions, on July 7th, 2016.

Alina focused on how to improve public procurement process and accelerate the public construction projects in order to overcome the numerous delays in developing the Romanian infrastructure.

There are 35 measures in total, drafted and proposed by the experts of the Constructions and Infrastructure Working Group, including, among others: Francois Tronel, Clotilde Armand, Alina Bilan, Andrei Ungureanu, Jerome France.

The measures focus on the public procurement process, the market regulation mechanisms, the relation between beneficiaries/public authorities and contractors, management of state-owned companies, market regulations that once applied could provide protection for market participants against abusive practices, the quality of materials and compliance with the production process, the use of public-private partnership rules for infrastructure projects, and professional training.[:en] 

Alina Bilan, partner, talked about practical measures to unlock infrastructure projects in Romania, at the launching of CCIFER’s White Book of Constructions, on July 7th, 2016.

Alina focused on how to improve public procurement process and accelerate the public construction projects in order to overcome the numerous delays in developing the Romanian infrastructure.

There are 35 measures in total, drafted and proposed by the experts of the Constructions and Infrastructure Working Group, including, among others: Francois Tronel, Clotilde Armand, Alina Bilan, Andrei Ungureanu, Jerome France.

The measures focus on the public procurement process, the market regulation mechanisms, the relation between beneficiaries/public authorities and contractors, management of state-owned companies, market regulations that once applied could provide protection for market participants against abusive practices, the quality of materials and compliance with the production process, the use of public-private partnership rules for infrastructure projects, and professional training.[:]


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