(En) ONV LAW contributes to Interlaw’s new book on “Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Waste”

Elite global legal network Interlaw launched last week the new Interlaw Book on “Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Waste”.

ONV LAW, the network’s representative in Romania, contributed the Romanian chapter, with Lorena Ciobanu and Horatiu Brisc outlining the international and domestic nuclear legal framework, nuclear waste management, decommissioning, and liability for nuclear damage and coverage.

Part of a new series of books launched by the Energy Special Business Team (SBT) within Interlaw, less than two years ago, the Book on “Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Waste” provides valuable insights for businesses and policy-makers into the key trends in the nuclear energy landscape for the upcoming years.

During a time when the increase in population, rising demand for electricity, and the need for sustainable access to secure, cost-effective and low-carbon footprint power drive the nuclear energy industry to expand,  the Book focuses on providing a comprehensive overview of national energy and waste policies and developments with respect to the nuclear energy and nuclear waste in 24 key jurisdictions, including Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, USA, and Vietnam.


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