Fake news from a legal perspective

Mihai Voicu, partner, was a speaker at the “Fake News – an anatomy of social mystification” conference organized by The Romanian Association for Public Relations on the 21st of March 2018 in Bucharest.

Steps are already being taken to address this issue. Some countries are passing legislation and the European Commission released last week the final report of the High-Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation, a report that will contribute to the design of a strategy on how to approach the spreading of fake news and disinformation at EU-level, but there is still a lot to do.

This conference gauged the way different industries in Romania are influenced by fake news and looked into a range of issues this phenomenon raises, including economic, social, and political.

Mihai outlined the ways we can address fake news, including, among others: civil actions for defamatory fake news that damages a person’s reputation, criminal actions for fake news that affects a community, national security or brings about large commercial losses, and last but not least, how GDPR combats fake news by strengthening the protection of our personal data and by implementing large fines for non-compliance.

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