Mihai Furtuna on the Share and Shape concept and on why design an out-of-the-box summer law school programme, in a Business Review exclusive interview


Mihai Furtună on the Share & Shape concept and on why design an out-of-the-box summer law school program, in a Business Review exclusive interview:

“The summer school is part of a larger concept and attitude that we have embraced and called Share & Shape. This embodies our beliefs, wishes, and actions towards those with whom we interact daily.”

More at http://www.business-review.eu/br-exclusive/share-and-shape-the-new-generation-of-lawyers-118301[:en] 

Mihai Furtună on the Share & Shape concept and on why design an out-of-the-box summer law school program, in a Business Review exclusive interview:

“The summer school is part of a larger concept and attitude that we have embraced and called Share & Shape. This embodies our beliefs, wishes, and actions towards those with whom we interact daily.”

More at http://www.business-review.eu/br-exclusive/share-and-shape-the-new-generation-of-lawyers-118301[:]


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