Mihai Voicu of ONV LAW re-elected as vice-president of Legal Netlink Alliance Europe legal network

Mihai Voicu Business Law Partner ONV LAW
[:en]Legal Netlink Alliance (LNA), a global legal network of more than 100 law firms, held its first global conference in London on 18-21 May this year, bringing together members from 29 countries from North and South America, Australia, Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

On this occasion, ONV LAW’s Mihai Voicu, Business Law Partner, was re-elected as acting vice-president of LNA for the second mandate.

The London Global meeting was a wonderful event that represents a landmark in the evolution of LNA. It demonstrates the engagement and dedication of our members towards the development of the organization and meeting the new challenges brought about by the new business and geopolitical environment in which we act together with our clients. Our actions as lawyers and partners are based on our common values: trust, friendship and sharing”, Mihai Voicu commented.

More at https://www.amcham.ro/index.html/articles?articleID=2994



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