ONV LAW as part of the Jury of the “Speak-up” competition organised by ASD


ONV LAW a fost alaturi de Asociatia Studentilor in Drept (ASD) la jurizarea primei editii a evenimentului SpeakUp – competitia de public speaking gazduita de Facultatea de Drept a Universitatii Bucuresti. Evenimentul care a reunit 53 de concurenti din toti anii de studiu a avut drept scop formarea si evidentierea abilitatilor oratorice si retorice ale studentilor la Drept, pentru a le facilita acestora din urma accesul pe o piata a muncii din ce in ce mai competitiva.

Pe durata celor trei etape ale competitiei studentii inscrisi si selectati pentru a merge mai departe si-au sustinut si rafinat discursurile, intai in fata membrilor ASD iar apoi in fata juriului si a unui public format din peste 250 de participanti. In ultima etapa finalistii s-au intrecut in a-si adapta discursurile pregatite in jurul conceptului “déjà vu”, pentru a incorpora un element de noutate comunicat cu 10 secunde inainte de a intra pe scena. “Toti finalistii au facut fata cu brio provocarii! Fiecare a avut la dispozitie 10 minute pentru discurs insa nu mi-am dat seama cand a trecut timpul: au stiut cum sa tina publicul in priza, cum sa se foloseasca de limbajul trupului, cum sa faca apel la emotii si, nu in ultimul rand, cum sa se incadreze in timpul alocat, aceasta fiind o provocare chiar si pentru un orator cu experienta” a comentat Diana Ursachi, PR & Marketing Manager la ONV LAW.

Proiectul SpeakUp are la baza o idee inovatoare. Spre deosebire de discutiile informale, care au adesea ca principal scop socializarea, vorbitul in public presupune setarea unor obiective mult mai specifice, fie ca este vorba despre informare, motivare sau inspirare. Drept urmare, proiectul le ofera studentilor sansa de a exersa si a-si pune in valoare o serie de abilitati esentiale pentru success indiferent de domeniul in care vor alege sa profeseze.


Early December ONV LAW PR & Marketing Manager, Diana Ursachi, sat on the Jury of Speak-up – a first of its kind public speaking competition organised by the Law Students Association (ASD) at Bucharest University. The event brought together 53 participants from all years of study and aimed at spotting out and rewarding public speaking skills in law students, to facilitate the access of the latter to an increasingly competitive labour market.

During the three stages of the competition, the students received professional support to build and refine their speeches, which have first been delivered before members of ASD and then to the jury and an audience of over 250 participants. During the final stage of the competition, 10 seconds before going live, the five finalists had to adapt the speeches they had prepared around the concept of “déjà vu” to incorporate a new item. “All finalists lived up brilliantly the challenge! Each of them had 10 minutes for the speech but I did not realize when time passed: they all knew how to engage the public, how to use body language and to appeal to emotions and nonetheless how to respect the allotted time slot, which can be a challenge even for an experienced public speaker” pointed out Diana Ursachi.

Speak-up is an innovation-based project. While informal discussions often have socialization at the core, public speaking involves setting more specific objectives, whether it is about delivering information, motivating or inspiring the audience. As a result, the project offers the students the chance to build and brush up a number of essential skills that are relevant for being successful in most professions.





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