ONV LAW expands its team and aims to grow its public procurement, constructions and infrastructure business

  • A large percentage of the structural and cohesion funds directed to Romania through the EU 2021 – 2027 financial programming (circa EUR 31 bln.) will go towards public investments – road, railway, digital, health, educational, envornment & energy infrastructure and modernization of the public administration, ONV LAW specialists comment.

Bucharest, 12.08.2021 – ONV LAW legal services firm expands its Public Law team and aims to increase its business generated by the advisory and litigation services for public procurement, constructions and infrastructure at EUR 500.000 by this year end. Thus, Ada Pascu, an experienced specialist in commercial, administrative litigations and fiscal law joins ONV LAW as Senior Associate.

„I am joining ONV LAW team of professionals with great enthusiasm. The construction and infrastructure market will significantely grow in the next period, considering the multiple financing sources at the disposal of the Romanian authorities. We expect an effervescence in the segment of public procurement projects,Ada Pascu states.   

Ada Pascu holds over 10 years of experience in complex commercial and public law projects. Over the course of her career, she successfully represented large multinational and local infrastructure and constructions companies, as well as public bodies in various litigations totalling amounts over EUR 30 million.

„The new EU 2021 – 2027 financial programming will put at Romanian authorities` disposal circa EUR 31 bln, of which a large percentage will be directed towards public investments projects. Also, the supplementary funds allocated through PNRR and the other operational programs will inject supplementary funds into the Romanian economy – we expect that the tenders volume will increase, as well as the need for advisory in preparing and implementing these projects,” states Alina Bilan, ONV LAW Partner.





ONV LAW is one of the most dynamic independent companies on the local market. Founded in 2000, ONV LAW provides consultancy to private clients and institutions in areas such as Public Procurement and Concessions, Market Entry, Aviation Law and Airport infrastructure, Corporate Law, Labor Law, Competition Law, Environmental Law and Digital Law. Website: www.onvlaw.ro.



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