International Comparative Legal Guides a publicat recent editia 2016 a ghidului de informare Aviation Law. Ghidul ofera un tablou general al normelor si reglementarilor de dreptul aviatiei, privind aspecte comerciale si de reglementare, de achizitie, finante si leasing, litigii, aplicabile in 27 de jurisdictii, reprezentand tari din intreaga lume. Ca trend-setter in dreptul aviatiei din Romania, ONV LAW si-a adus contributia la acest ghid, pe baza expertizei sale semnificative in aviatie si infrastructura aeroportuara, acumulata prin asistenta juridica acordata atat in proceduri privind finantarea, construirea si autorizarea proiectelor de infrastructura aeroportuara, cat si prin acordarea de asistenta juridica in investigarea accidentelor aviatice – militare si civile, in vanzarea-cumpararea, inchirierea si inregistrarea aeronavelor, in organizarea de show-uri aviatice, cat si in materia reglementarii in domeniul aviatiei civile.
ICGL Aviation Law 2016 – ONV LAW Romanian chapter[:en]
International Comparative Legal Guides has recently published the Aviation Law 2016 edition. The guide covers common issues in aviation laws and regulations – including aircraft trading, finance and leasing, litigation and dispute resolution, commercial and regulatory – in 27 jurisdictions, representing countries all over the world. As a trend-setter in the Romanian aviation law market, ONV LAW brings its own contribution to this guide, based on the significant practice in Aviation and Airport Infrastructure, mainly through legal assistance regarding aviation accidents, financing, construction and authorization of international airports, manufacturing of aviation equipment, buying, selling and registration of aircraft, legal clearance for aviation shows, as well as regulatory drafting.