ONV LAW promotes Lorena Ciobanu to Senior Associate

Lorena Ciobanu - Tax & Corporate Law Lawyer - ONV LAW

ONV LAW is delighted to announce the promotion of Lorena Ciobanu to Senior Associate in the Business Law department, starting November 1st.

Lorena is a wonderful team player and a tenacious lawyer. Clients and colleagues prize her for her calm attitude and solution-oriented approach, while opponents face the formidable and resourceful lawyer across the table or the courtroom,” said Mihai Voicu, partner and coordinator of the Business Law department. “Her passion for the profession is inspiring and working with her gives you a feeling that there is no mountain too high to climb.

Lorena joined ONV LAW five years ago, as a summer trainee, before qualifying as a lawyer and joining us as an associate.

She focuses equally on advisory and dispute resolution work, with an emphasis on acquisition and restructuring operations, corporate matters that arise in business development and commercial litigation.

She regularly assists clients with individual and collective labour law related matters and also advises private and public companies on a day-to-day basis for business tax matters. She also has extensive experience dealing with issues related to the tax legal framework concerning joint ventures and matters concerning the fiscal implications of mergers.

What you might not know about Lorena is that she enjoys travelling in her free time, and she reads or watches movies when she needs to unwind.


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