ONV LAW impreuna cu Facultatea de Drept a Universitatii Romano-Americane va invita sa va aratati pasiunea pentru performanta in drept.
May 19, 2014
Studentii pasionati de drept sunt demni de a primi toata sustinerea noastra. Suntem la a treia editia a burselor ONV LAW si URA. Detaliile despre participare sunt disponibile aici: http://blog.rau.ro/2014/04/bursele-onv-law-pentru-studenti-pasionati-de-performanta/.
Selectia se face cu grija, pentru ca stim cat de importante sunt lucrarile pe care ni le trimit viitorii nostri colegi de breasla si de aceea ne dorim sa ii cunoastem si in interviuri fata in fata.
Students who are passionate about law deserve to receive our support. Third edition of the ONV LAW Scholarships.
May 19, 2014
Students who are passionate about law deserve to receive our support. This is the third edition of the ONV LAW scholarships. The details about participating in the selection are available here: http://blog.rau.ro/2014/04/bursele-onv-law-pentru-studenti-pasionati-de-performanta/.
We are proud to be the ones to lead law students in the discovery of their future profession. The selection of the candidates is based on a careful analysis of the works received and interviews.