Mihai Furtuna a prezentat la EBACE 2015 (Expozitia & Conferinta Europeana de Aviatie de Business), proiectele recente din cadrul departamentului de Drept Aviatic al ONV LAW, cu accent pe serviciile de asistenta la achizitia si inregistrarea aeronavelor de business in Romania.
Aceste proceduri se pot derula diferit in functie de tara si de echipa care ofera asistenta, cu implicatii directe asupra costurilor suportate de clienti si a duratei de finalizare a procedurilor.
Spre exemplu, inregistrarea in Malta a unei aeronave de pana la 20 de tone costa de doua ori mai mult decat in Romania. In Irlanda costurile cresc cu pana la 300%. Asistenta oferita de o echipa alcatuita din experti in drept aviatic, brokeri familiarizati cu tranzactiile de aeronave, finantisti si tehnicieni specializati in mentenanta, poate scurta procesul si poate reduce costurile atat la achizitie cat si ulterior, pe durata utilizarii aeronavei.
Pe langa nevoia de a avea alaturi o echipa experimentata, speakerii din cadrul conferintei au subliniat nevoia de planificare riguroasa a achizitiei. Aceasta trebuie sa includa o selectie atenta a aeronavei, analiza costurilor fixe si variabile aferente aparatului de zbor, sistemul de impozitare, calitatea mentenantei facuta anterior, optiunile de finantare, si la fel de important, dezvoltarea unei relatii de incredere cu echipa care furnizeaza aceste servicii.
Puteti afla mai multe informatii aici.[:en]
While attending EBACE 2015 in Geneva (European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition in Geneva) Mihai Furtuna presented the recent projects in the Aviation Law Practice of the firm, focusing on support services for the business aircraft acquisition and registration in Romania.
These procedures may be conducted differently depending on the country of registration as well as on the team that assists with these procedures. Naturally, this will bear on the costs incurred by the client as well as the time frame for completing the procedures.
For instance, registering a 20 ton aircraft in Malta costs twice as much as in Romania. In Ireland, the costs go up to 300%. The process can be both shorter and more cost effective if assistance is provided by teams of experts consisting of aviation lawyers, aircraft brokers familiar with aircraft transactions, financiers and maintenance technicians.
Besides urging clients to seek assistance from experienced aviation teams, the conference speakers emphasized the need for carefully planned acquisition and registration. This includes a rigorous selection of the aircraft, analyzing fixed and variable costs related to the aircraft, the tax system, the quality of previous maintenance, financing options, and equally important, developing a trust-based relationship with the team providing these services.
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