Aflat la a cinsprezecea editie, Topul Who’s Who reflecta evolutia profesionistilor din domeniul dreptului constructiilor din 48 de tari. Mihai Voicu, partener in cadrul ONV LAW, este unul dintre cei doi avocati romani prezenti in Topul Who’s Who Legal in domeniul Constructiilor.
“Anvergura internationala a proiectelor in care suntem implicati este probabil unul dintre principalele motivele care au stat la baza deciziei Who’s Who Legal,” apreciaza Mihai Voicu.
“In prezent asistam unul dintre cei mai mari jucatori de pe piata constructorilor de infrastructura din Italia, care deruleaza o serie de proiecte de anvergura in Romania. De asemenea, suntem implicati in dezvoltarea Grupului Global de Infrastructura si Constructii al LNA – una dintre cele mai extinse retele de firme de avocatura la nivel international. Miza grupului este de a ingloba experienta practicienilor de la firmele de avocatura afiliate, pentru a oferi clientilor doua avantaje nete: solutii integrate si deci eficienta de cost, precum si confortul de a fi asistati de catre profesionisti care adera la aceleasi standarde calitative indiferent de jurisdictie, si sunt familiarizati cu regiunea in care clientul isi desfasoara operatiunile.”
La nivel international analistii Who’s Who Legal observa o reorganizare a practicilor de Constructii din cadrul firmelor de avocatura. In acord cu evolutia pietei dupa 2008, multe firme mizeaza mai putin pe gestionarea de catre echipe mari de avocati a ‘litigiilor traditionale’, generate de comunicarea defectuoasa sau ciocniri de personalitate intre parti. Multe firme se axeaza in schimb pe experienta catorva avocati seniori, expusi la suficiente precedente si deprinsi cu structurarea si negocierea contractelor complexe, cu deschidere catre digitalizare si constienti de implicatiile acesteia atat in industrie cat si in procesele de atribuire si gestionare a contractelor.[:en]
The 2015 edition of Who’s Who Legal Rankings features top construction lawyers across 48 countries. ONV LAW Partner, Mihai Voicu, is one of the two Romanian lawyers endorsed by Who’s Who Legal for Construction Law matters.
“The international scope of several of our projects is probably a key reason for this year’s ranking”, explains Mihai Voicu.
“We currently assist one of the top players in the constructions market in Italy, which also runs a number of large projects in Romania. We are equally involved in the development of the Global Infrastructure and Constructions Group of Legal Netlink Alliance – one of the largest networks of law firms worldwide. The stake of this Group is to leverage the legal expertise of the affiliated law firms in order to present clients with two clear advantages: integrated solutions that entail cost efficiency, as well as the convenience of being assisted by professionals who adhere to the same quality standards regardless of jurisdiction, and are familiar with the region in which the clients operate.”
International trends in Construction Law feature significant shifts in the management of the practices across the globe. In the aftermath of 2008, many law firms switched from having large teams of lawyers focus on “traditional disputes” arising from poor communication or personality clashes between clients. Instead, the firms chose to focus on leveraging the know-how of key senior lawyers, whose experience enables them to structure and negotiate complex contracts, who feel comfortable with digitization and who are aware of its implications both in the Constructions industry as a whole as well as in the awarding and contract management procedures.[:]