Alina Bilan a detaliat schimbarile aduse de noile propuneri legislative cu privire la subcontractarea si modificarea contractelor de achizitie publica, in cadrul Conferintei Masini si Utilaje organizate joi, 22 octombrie, la Bucuresti. Intre principalele noutati se afla dreptul autoritatilor contractante de a efectua plati direct catre subconctractantii contractantului principal, precum si posibilitatea inlocuirii sau introducerii unor noi subcontractanti dupa atribuirea contractului, care nu fusesera indicati in oferta. Avand in vedere ca platile directe catre subcontractanti pot atrage numeroase impedimente practice sau blocaje, revine in sarcina autoritatilor contractante sa reglementeze prin documentatia de achizitie mecanismul de efectuare a acestor plati.
Proiectul de lege promoveaza transparenta in lantul subcontractarilor astfel incat, incepand de la momentul intrarii in vigoare, autoritatile vor putea verifica datele subcontractantilor subcontractantilor si chiar ale furnizorilor.
In ceea ce priveste modificarea contractului de achizitie publica s-au realizat importante imbunatatiri in reglementare intrucat in proiectul de lege se prevad in mod expres cazurile in care aceasta se poate realiza fara organizarea unei noi proceduri de atribuire:
- atunci cand in documentele achizitiei initiale modificarile au fost prevazute sub forma unor clauze de revizuire clare, precise si fara echivoc.
- atunci cand sunt indeplinite cumulativ trei conditii: a) devine necesara achizitionarea unor produse, servicii sau lucrari suplimentare care nu au fost incluse in contractul initial, dar care au devenit strict necesare in vederea indeplinirii acestuia; b) schimbarea contractantului este imposibila; c) orice majorare a pretului contractului reprezentand valoarea produselor/ serviciilor/ lucrarilor suplimentare nu va depasi 50% din valoarea contractului initial.
- atunci cand sunt indeplinite cumulativ trei conditii: a) modificarea a devenit necesara in urma unor circumstante pe care o autoritate contractanta care actioneaza cu diligenta nu ar fi putut sa le prevada; b) modificarea nu afecteaza caracterul general al contractului; c) cresterea pretului nu depaseste 50% din valoarea contractului initial.
- atunci cand contractantul initial este inlocuit de un nou contractant, pentru evitarea incetarii contractului si ca urmare a unei clauze de revizure sau a unei optiuni stabilite prin documentele achizitiei;
- atunci cand drepturile si obligatiile contractantului initial sunt preluate, ca urmare a unei succesiuni universale sau cu titlu universal, de catre un alt operator economic care indeplineste criteriile de calificare si selectie stabilite initial, cu conditia ca aceasta modificare sa nu presupuna alte modificari substantiale ale contractului de achizitie publica/acordului-cadru si sa nu se realizeze cu scopul de a eluda aplicarea procedurilor de atribuire prevazute de prezenta lege;
- la incetarea anticipata a contractului, contractantul principal cesioneaza autoritatii contractante contractele incheiate cu subcontractantii acestuia, ca urmare a unei clauze de revizure sau a unei optiuni stabilite de autoritatea contractanta prin documentele achizitiei.
- atunci cand sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii: a) valoarea modificarii este mai mica decat pragurile prevazute de Lege; b) valoarea modificarii este mai mica decat 10% din valoarea contractului initial, in cazul contractelor de achizitie publica de servicii sau de produse, sau mai mica decat 15% din valoarea contractului initial, in cazul contractelor de achizitie publica de lucrari.
- atunci cand modificarile, indiferent de valoarea lor, nu sunt substantiale.
Puteti consulta prezentarea Alinei Bilan aici.
La eveniment au mai participat reprezentanti ai Asociatiei Distribuitorilor de Utilaje pentru Constructii (ADUC), ai Asociatiei Romane de Leasing, reprezentanti ai firmelor de constructii si utilaje din Romania, precum si ai Asociatiei Romane de Dreptul Constructiilor (RSCL).[:en]
Alina Bilan (ONV LAW) covered the intricacies of subcontracting and amending of public procurement contracts for construction works, in line with the legal draft that will be implementing Directive 2014/24/UE on public procurement into Romanian regulation. The presentation was given at the 5th edition of the Constructions Machinery Conference held in Bucharest at the end of October.
Among the top changes brought about by the legal draft there are: the possibility for public authorities to make direct payments to the subcontractors of the main contractor, as well as the possibility to replace or introduce new subcontractors after awarding the contract, in other words subcontractors that hadn’t been listed in the initial offer. Since direct payments to subcontractors may entail several practical impediments or bottlenecks, it is the duty of the contracting authorities to regulate the disbursement mechanisms into the tender specifications.
You may find here the presentation of Alina Bilan – Coordinating Partner of the Public Procurement, Concessions, PPP Practice (Romanian only).
The legal draft aims at ensuring transparency of the subcontracting chain, so that, upon its enforcement, authorities will be able to check the information on subcontractors as well as their suppliers.
The significant regulatory improvement that has been achieved enables the amending of public procurement contracts, in certain circumstances, without launching a new tender:
- where the modifications, irrespective of their monetary value, have been provided for in the initial procurement documents in clear, precise and unequivocal review clauses;
- for additional works, services or supplies by the original contractor that have become necessary and that were not included in the initial procurement where a change of contractor: (i) cannot be made for economic or technical reasons; (ii) would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority. However, any increase in price shall not exceed 50 % of the value of the original contract;
- where all of the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not foresee; (ii) the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract; (iii) any increase in price is not higher than 50 % of the value of the original contract or framework agreement.
- where a new contractor replaces the one to which the contracting authority had initially awarded the contract as a consequence of an unequivocal review clause or option in conformity with point (a);
- where a new contractor replaces the initial one as a consequence of (universal or partial) succession into the position of the latter, provided that the former fulfils the criteria for qualitative selection initially established, provided that this does not entail other substantial modifications to the contract and is not aimed at circumventing the application of this Directive;
- in the case of early termination of contract where the contracting authority itself assumes the main contractor’s obligations towards its subcontractors as a consequence of a review clause or option in conformity with the tender specifications;
- where all of the following conditions are fulfilled: the value of the modification is below both (i) the threshold prescribed by the law and (ii) 10 % of the initial contract value for service and supply contracts and below 15 % of the initial contract value for works contracts. However, the modification may not alter the overall nature of the contract or framework agreement.
- where the changes, regardless of their value, are not substantial.
The event also hosted speakers from the Constructions Equipment Distributors Association (ADUC), the Romanian Leasing Association, representatives of constructions and machinery companies in Romania and the Romanian Association of Construction Law (RSCL).