ONV LAW flew planes and awarded Junior Pilot Diplomas at Aeromania 2015



Pentru o zi, avocatii ONV LAW au renuntat la roba si la mina serioasa, pentru a aduce un zambet pe fetele copiilor aflati la show-ul aviatic Aeromania 2015.

Timp de 8 ore, avocatii au invatat copiii sa faca avioane de hartie, sa le lanseze si sa ridice zmee, cei mici primind in final brevete onorifice de Pilot Junior. ”Traficul aerian” de pe aerodromul juniorilor a fost coordonat de Mihai Furtuna, Partenerul aflat la mansa departamentului de Dreptul Aviatiei al ONV LAW.

”Pentru noi a fost o surpriza sa vedem cum ONV LAW, partenerul nostru juridic in domeniul aviatiei, i-a atras ca un magnet pe cei mici. Lansarea avioanelor de hartie i-a tinut in priza in timp ce parintii urmareau desfasurarea acrobatiilor aeriene, iar la final, fiecare a luat cu el ceva memorabil: fotografii, autografe, un avion pe care a invatat sa-l plieze, sa-l lanseze si pe baza caruia a primit o diploma de Pilot junior”, a mentionat Cristina Mitchievici, Marketing Manager al Regional Air Services (RAS).




On July 4th, the ONV LAW team decided to drop the robe and the overly serious composure for one day, to put a smile on the faces of the guests at Aeromania 2015 air show.

For 8 hours straight, the lawyers taught the children to make paper plains and to fly them together with kites, while jets were swirling in the air. At the end, the children were awarded Honorary Junior Pilot Junior Diplomas. ‘Air traffic’ in the juniors’ perimeter was controlled by Mihai Furtuna, the Partner leading the Aviation Department at ONV LAW.

“It’s been surprising for us to see our legal partner, ONV LAW, leading the show for children and keeping them entertained while the air performance was on up in the sky. Flying paper airplanes kept the children engaged and cheerful while the parents were watching the acrobatics. Everyone left the show with some memorabilia: photos, autographs, paper planes that they practiced folding, as well as Junior Pilot Diplomas, “said Cristina Mitchievici, Marketing Manager of Regional Air Services (RAS).




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