28 octombrie, 2014
Desi NCPC stabileste in art. 244 alin. (2) ca partile trebuie sa depuna note scrise cu cel putin 5 zile inainte de termenul acordat (la finalizarea cercetarii procesului si inainte de dezbaterea fondului cauzei), practica arata ca multe instante sunt reticente in acordarea unui astfel de termen.
October 28, 2014
The New Code on Civil Procedures (NCCP) concludes in art. 244 par. (2) that parties should submit written conclusions on the case minimum 5 days before the deadline (after having analyzed the case and right before starting the proceedings in court). However, practice shows that many courts are reluctant to grant such a deadline.
In urma discutiilor cu o serie de reprezentanti ai instantelor, se pare ca principalele motivele pentru aceasta sunt: obisnuinta utilizarii vechilor reglementari ale Codului de Procedura Civila, precum si “pretextul juridic” privind inaplicabilitatea art 244 NCPC inainte de 31 decembrie 2015. Acest ultim aspect este insa independent de maniera in care se desfasoara cercetarea aprocesului, astfel ca nu exista nicio ratiune pentru care art. 244 alin. (1)-(2) NCPC nu s-ar aplica pâna la 31 decembrie 2015. Puteti citi mai multe detalii despre asta pe site-ul Juridice.ro.
Based on the discussions with several courts’ representatives, various reasons prevent this from happening. First and foremost, there is the habit of referring to the former Code on Civil Procedures, which had a different approach on this matter; second, there is the “legal excuse” of art. 244 not coming into force before 31 December 2015 (14 months from now) and thus not being binding before then. Still, the latter argument is independent of the manner in which the research on the case is conducted. Therefore, there is no reason for art. 244 of NCCP to be disregarded before December 31st, 2015. For more information on this, please check the article on Juridice.ro (Romanian only).