Mihai Furtună and Ioana Anghel attended the third International Aviation Law Conference, on the Dynamism of the Aviation Industry: the need of innovative policies and rules


ONV LAW’s Mihai Furtună, Partner and coordinator of the Aviation practice, and Ioana Anghel, Associate, attended the third International Aviation Law Conference, on the Dynamism of the Aviation Industry: the need of innovative policies and rules, which took place in Rome on June 16th.

The topics addressed at the conference covered key legal issues facing the aviation sector at an international level, and in particular, competition, relations between airports, airline companies and handling agencies, and also drone regulations – the main issue in aviation at the moment. The speakers, some of the most distinguished figures in the field, approached the topics in a very interesting and innovative way“, says Ioana Anghel.

Those in attendance included EU and Italian officials, airlines representatives and experts, airport officials, university professors and aviation law specialists from Europe, Middle East, and South America.

The conference was organised by Laura Pierallini from Studio Pierallini, and LUISS University, and co-organised with the International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, and the European Aviation Club.

More at http://businessschool.luiss.it/en/evento/the-dynamism-of-the-aviation-industry-the-need-of-innovative-policies-and-rules/[:en] 

ONV LAW’s Mihai Furtună, Partner and coordinator of the Aviation practice, and Ioana Anghel, Associate, attended the third International Aviation Law Conference, on the Dynamism of the Aviation Industry: the need of innovative policies and rules, which took place in Rome on June 16th.

The topics addressed at the conference covered key legal issues facing the aviation sector at an international level, and in particular, competition, relations between airports, airline companies and handling agencies, and also drone regulations – the main issue in aviation at the moment. The speakers, some of the most distinguished figures in the field, approached the topics in a very interesting and innovative way“, says Ioana Anghel.

Those in attendance included EU and Italian officials, airlines representatives and experts, airport officials, university professors and aviation law specialists from Europe, Middle East, and South America.

The conference was organised by Laura Pierallini from Studio Pierallini, and LUISS University, and co-organised with the International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, and the European Aviation Club.

More at http://businessschool.luiss.it/en/evento/the-dynamism-of-the-aviation-industry-the-need-of-innovative-policies-and-rules/[:]


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