ONV LAW contributes to Community Investment Guide for companies operating in Romania


In 2015 ONV LAW joined forces with top organisations from the private and the NGOs’ sector to launch the “Community Investment Guide” under the auspices of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham). The Guide is a practical tool for companies operating in Romania that are interested in taking a strategic, long-term approach to their role in the communities where they do business. The companies include corporations, state enterprises and SMEs who understand that social responsibility has a positive return on investment (ROI) if deployed strategically.

“What makes the Guide stand out from similar tools is its briefness, pragmatism, the accessible language in which it is written as well as the awareness of the local context, which makes the information highly relevant for the Romanian market”, said Radu Nemes, Managing Partner of ONV LAW. The Guide includes best practices as well as statistical evidence in support of community investment. It also includes information on the legal framework that enables corporate responsibility in Romania, as well as recommendations on each step of the implementation process.

“The Community Investment Guide represents AmCham’s contribution through the Corporate Governance Committee to a better understanding of how Romanian and foreign companies could better define their community investment strategy”, noted Catalin Velescu, coordinator of the Corporate Governance Committee.

You may access the Community Investment Guide in English as well as Romanian.


In 2015 ONV LAW joined forces with top organisations from the private and the NGOs’ sector to launch the “Community Investment Guide” under the auspices of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham). The Guide is a practical tool for companies that are interested in taking a strategic, long-term approach to their role in the communities where they operate or have an impact on. The companies include corporations, state enterprises and SMEs who understand that social responsibility has a positive return on investment (ROI) if deployed strategically.

“What makes the Guide stand out from similar tools is its briefness, pragmatism, the accessible language in which it is written as well as the awareness of the local context, which makes the information highly relevant for the Romanian market”, said Radu Nemes, Managing Partner of ONV LAW. The Guide includes best practices as well as statistical evidence in support of community investment. It also includes information on the legal framework that enables corporate responsibility in Romania, as well as recommendations on each step of the implementation process.

“The Community Investment Guide represents AmCham’s contribution through the Corporate Governance Committee to a better understanding of how Romanian and foreign companies could better define their community investment strategy”, noted Catalin Velescu, coordinator of the Corporate Governance Committee.

You may access the Community Investment Guide in English as well as Romanian.




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