ONV LAW partners presented in Miami (USA) the business prospects for foreign investors in Romania


Miami Annual Meeting 2014

3 octombrie, 2014

Partenerii Radu Nemes si Mihai Voicu au vorbit despre oportunitatile de afaceri disponibile investitorilor straini in Romania, la Reuniunea Globala a Interlaw 2014 din Miami.


Romania se situeaza pe locul 73, din 189 de tari analizate, pentru usurinta dezvoltarii unei afaceri (conform Bancii Mondiale) iar incepand cu luna mai 2014 agentia de rating Standard & Poor’s a clasat-o in categoria BBB-. Astfel, “Romania se afla intre tarile atractive pentru investitii straine”, au subliniat Nemes si Voicu.


Miami Annual Meeting 2014 

October 3, 2014

Partners Radu Nemes and Mihai Voicu shared their professional insights on the business opportunities available in Romania for foreign investors, at the 2014 Global Meeting of Interlaw in Miami.


Romania ranks 73 out of 189 for the ease of doing business (according to the World Bank) and starting May 2014 Standard & Poor’s  rated it BBB-. Thus “the country secured its placement on the attractive side for foreign investment”, as Nemes and Voicu pointed out. Partenerii au impartasit informatii privind practicile juridice locale, date legate de investitiile straine existente si atuurile geo-strategice ale Romaniei in contextul international actual. Participantii la reuniune, avocati de prim rang, consiliaza companii aflate in clasamentul Fortune 500, guverne si start-up-uri din intreaga lume.


Pe langa actualizarile cu privire la M&A, Conformarea cu regulile de guvernanta corporatista, Frauda & recuperare de creante, si Insolventa la nivel international, reuniunea a inclus subiecte care sunt rareori abordate, spre exemplu: Securitatea datelor in firmele de avocatura (in beneficiul clientilor), Impactul financiar al loialitatii si Managementul asteptarilor in relatiile cu clientii, precum si beneficiile – nu neaparat monetare – ale sustinerii pro bono pe termen lung a unei cauze sociale. Dupa cum a spus si Voicu “Nu veti auzi pe cineva de la ONV LAW laudandu-se cu proiectele de CSR din rationamente de marketing. Ne pastram dreptul de a fi ‘romantici’, de a face bine de dragul binelui.”


Reuniunea a gazduit, pe langa participarea membrilor Interlaw din 125 de orase, prezentarile a trei firme de avocatura din Rusia, Austria si Olanda ce intentioneaza sa se afilieze retelei.


Nu in ultimul rand, Ice Bucket Challenge a fost unul dintre punctele culminante ale reuniunii.


Reuniunea Globala Interlaw aduna anual reprezentantii de top ai acestei retele de societati independente de avocatura din intreaga lume. Dupa cum a subliniat Nemes, “principalul motiv pentru care am vrut sa ne afiliem la Interlaw a fost dorinta noastra de a avea acces direct la persoane nu doar la o lista de nume notorii.  Acum avem contact nemediat cu avocati de top din intreaga lume si astfel ne putem servi mult mai bine clientii, indiferent de tara in care decid sa faca afaceri. “

The Partners leveraged legal best practices, geo-political insights and investment-related data with first band lawyers that advise clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to governments and start-ups across the Globe. 


Besides the international updates on M&A, Corporate compliance, fraud & asset recovery, Global insolvency, the meeting also covered topics that are rarely addressed: Data security in law firms (to the benefit of the clients), the Financial impact of Loyalty and Expectations Management in relationships with the clients, as well as the Win-Win situations that law firms and their pro bono clients may build based on long-term involvement in social causes. As Voicu put it: “At ONV LAW you won’t hear us boast about our CSR projects for marketing reasons, because we preserve our right to be “romantic”: we do good for the sake of it.”  


Along with Interlaw members from 125 cities across the world, the meeting welcomed representatives of prospective member firms from Russia, Austria and the Netherlands.


Last but not least, the Ice Bucket Challenge was one of the highlights of the meeting.


The Global Meeting of Interlaw gathers annually top representatives from a network of independent law-firms across the world.  As Nemes, pointed out, “the rationale for ONV LAW being a part of Interlaw is having access to a face-pool instead of a name-list. We have personal contact with top-lawyers across the world, and so we can better serve our clients irrespective of the country where they decide to do business.” 


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